Free Printable Spring Cleaning Calendar

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Free Printable Spring Cleaning Calendar- get your home fresh and clean in 31 days!

It seems many of you liked the January and February printable organizing calendars because I got lots ‘o requests for a March version. With spring around the corner (somewhere it’s around the corner, just apparently not here…) I realized we could shake it up a bit and instead of focusing on organizing we’d get our homes so fresh and so clean this March!

And yes, that IS my second Outkast reference on my blog this past week. You’re welcome.

This is more than random cleaning tasks written on a calendar. THERE IS METHOD TO MY MADNESS. And if you work your way through the tasks, your home really will be cleaned top to bottom in just 31 days. Or more, if you need to skip a few days. I won’t tell. 😉

Print the Free Printable Spring Cleaning Calendar

Free Printable Spring Cleaning Calendar- get your home fresh and clean in 31 days!

How to Use the Calendar

It’s organized in a specific arrangement (see below) but don’t feel as if you need to follow it by any means. While each task is on a different day, if you have a bunch of free time then do several in one day. If they don’t apply to you because your home is already sparkling in that particular area, just cross it off (lucky you…) or you can stretch a task several days if needed.

You can start it on the first of the month if you want, but it’s formatted to be a 31-day plan so you can really start whenever you wish. You can spring clean in March or May or July, start on the first of the month or the 19th or the 28th– it’ll still work for you.

It’s meant to piggyback on your normal cleaning tasks, so keep up your normal cleaning routine and add these tasks on top. I can’t write this post and not admit that I have people come to clean my home once a month (BEST MONEY SPENT EVER) but I do keep up a regular cleaning routine on top of that– vacuuming, toilets, counters, dishes, laundry, floors, tubs, etc.  There’s a very good reason why I need the extra help, and if you buy me a few mojitos over dinner one night I’ll probably tell you. 😉

A Few Notes

Top-Down Cleaning:  I mentioned this method in my OMG-I-almost-blew-it Spring Cleaning Hangout with Hometalk last year. In case you don’t know the story, I couldn’t find the link to get on the hangout until literally the moment it went on air. Can you tell I’m frazzled? Or are you just jealous of my crazy facial expressions? Anywho, here’s a great tip for cleaning:

Free Printable Spring Cleaning Calendar- get your home fresh and clean in 31 days! source)

That way, the dust falls downward and you aren’t re-cleaning the same area a second time. You’ll notice the calendar starts at the top (ceiling fans and light fixtures) and works it’s way downward until you reach the baseboards and carpet.

Target Zones:  Let’s face it– the dirtiest areas of my home are the kitchen and the bathrooms. Let’s not think about why. Suffice it to say, they’re active areas with lots of messes. I have two weeks set aside for cleaning those specific areas, so you’re covered. I grouped tasks by area so you can zip from one cleaning job to another, or at the very least keep the mess contained to one area as you worked through it.

Free Printable Spring Cleaning Calendar- get your home fresh and clean in 31 days!

Need Clever Cleaning Tips?  I’ve been pinning the best ones to my Cleaning Tips Pinterest Board. Check it out!

I’ll be back with a few favorite cleaning tips to correspond with the tasks on the calendar, but until then, print out the Spring Cleaning Calendar so you’re ready for whenever spring hits your area! Probably June, if you’re in Philly. Yeesh. (yup, we’re getting snow three more times this week. yippee.)

What’s the spring cleaning task you dread the most? Favorite cleaning products to use? Tips to share?

Free Printable Spring Cleaning Calendar- get your home fresh and clean in 31 days!

PS-Want to use more cleaning natural ingredients?  

Click the image below to get a free ebook for cleaning your home with vinegar: 

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