Easy Christmas Art Idea: Tea Towel Wrapped Canvas

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Check out how to make this easy DIY Christmas art from a tea towel! LOVE simple Christmas decorating ideas like this Anthropologie hack!

I’m a sucker for anything Anthropologie, so when I saw this wintery tea towel at the end-of-year sale I snagged it for about 70% off the regular price. The colors and shimmer also became the inspiration point for my entire holiday decorating plan, but I digress. I thought about framing it, but realized a FREE solution was under my nose… er, workbench. I had a pile of wrapped canvases (the type you can get at Michaels for cheap with a coupon) and suddenly the simple idea emerged to put the two together.

Check out how to make this easy DIY Christmas art from a tea towel! LOVE simple Christmas decorating ideas like this Anthropologie hack!


Check out how to make this easy DIY Christmas art from a tea towel! LOVE simple Christmas decorating ideas like this Anthropologie hack!

It fits perfectly on my faux mantel, which I’m slowly styling for the holidays this week.

Check out how to make this easy DIY Christmas art from a tea towel! LOVE simple Christmas decorating ideas like this Anthropologie hack!

But wait, creative people! You don’t have to use a tea towel. You could use a dish towel, piece of fabric, scarf, vintage hanky,  whatever floats your boat! And you can use almost any size too, since canvases range from small to huge. A search for ‘vintage tea towel’ on Etsy uncovered some pretty fabulous prints, but don’t forget your local thrift store or retailers like Crate & Barrel where I spied some fun designs.

Obviously this idea is super easy, but here’s the quick play by play:

1. Iron your cloth. That’s the hardest part. #Ihateironing

Check out how to make this easy DIY Christmas art from a tea towel! LOVE simple Christmas decorating ideas like this Anthropologie hack!

2. Place it over the front of the canvas and position as desired. Holding it in place, flip it over so the back of the canvas (wooden frame) is facing up.

3. Pull the fabric taunt by pulling over the side of the frame, and staple across the top. The gold Nate Berkus stapler is optional, unless you want an excuse to buy one, in which case YOU TOTALLY NEED IT.

Check out how to make this easy DIY Christmas art from a tea towel! LOVE simple Christmas decorating ideas like this Anthropologie hack!

4. Check the front to make sure the fabric is situated the way you want, and if so, continue stapling the bottom.

Check out how to make this easy DIY Christmas art from a tea towel! LOVE simple Christmas decorating ideas like this Anthropologie hack!

5. Fold in one side and staple, repeat on the other, and woo-hoo, DONE! If the bumps in the corners where the fabric bunches a bit bothers you, you can snip away excess fabric. I wanted to keep the towel in tact in case I ever want to use it, though.

Check out how to make this easy DIY Christmas art from a tea towel! LOVE simple Christmas decorating ideas like this Anthropologie hack!

As I proudly leaned my insta-art against the wall, my daughter told me it needed more color.

Wah, wah, wahhhhhhhhhh.

Thankfully I had some red pom pom trim from last season hanging around. Drapity drape!

Check out how to make this easy DIY Christmas art from a tea towel! LOVE simple Christmas decorating ideas like this Anthropologie hack!

To which she replied that she still wants to color in the bears.

Quick, hide the markers.

More 5-minute DIY Christmas ideas are coming your way! You’ll find them all here as they get posted:

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