Rainy Rainy Days

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Wednesday we had a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.  I’ll spare you the details, but suffice it to say if you were to teleport yourself to my side around 2:00 you found have found me crouching over Noodle in the stroller– screaming and making herself puke– as we walked in Michaels, with Bee strapped to my chest in the Baby Bjorn.  It. Was. Horrible.  And the day wasn’t even over yet.

Thursday’s forecast called for torrential rain, so I decided we’d stay in.


Thankfully I planned ahead.  Amazingly, the kids were wonderful.  When Bee went down for his nap, Noodle and I got our paint on:

it started out so civilized, just a cup and brush
then, it moved to her hands
oh yeah, now we’re talking!
blue hair?  who has blue hair?
oops, the cup dropped onto the canvas.  oh, look, circles!
hmmmm, what’s inside? {hard to decide whether to keep snapping or stop her, so I did both}
{but a little too late}
My little Jackson Pollack’s finished masterpiece.  Her yiayia (my mom, an artist) is going to be so proud!

Then as Noodle napped, Bee crawled around the sunroom entertaining himself and I got three of my own projects done.  It was perfect for all of us.

Can’t wait to show you the finished projects.  Spending a few minutes being creative was better than any therapy session.  Especially with the rain dripping outside and my sweeties playing next to me.

Buds on the trees.  Oh spring, please please please come soon!

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