DIY Holiday Gifts With Essential Oils

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Essential Oil Holiday Giveaways

Over the weekend, I walked into a popular body product retail store to pick up a hostess gift and instantly got a headache– apparently my body can no longer handle all those chemicals and sugary fragrances parading as “natural” scents. Lemon lotion that doesn’t even have lemon as an ingredient and ‘air fresheners’ filled with chemicals! Friends, you don’t have to settle for those shenanigans. There’s a perfectly natural way to fill your home with holiday scents without chemicals. There are holiday ideas that aren’t filled with names you can’t pronounce but rather natural oils where you know the source. And today a few DIY blogger friends and I are sharing over 70 holiday essential oil ideas for you to use and love!

Holiday bath bombs

The holidays are our favorite time to play with oils. There is something so relaxing about diffusing different oil combos and using them to manage stress levels.  We love making essential oil infused DIY gifts like scrubs and bath bombs, plus we use them to boost wellness during this busy time so that’s a bonus. Each day, we pull them out and try different combos in the diffuser. Here’s a favorite we’ve come up with for Thanksgiving. It features Gathering oil but you can make it without because the rest of the oils create an ‘autumn spice’ scent:

Thanksgiving diffuser recipe

Now, onto Christmas. Just because you have an artificial tree doesn’t mean you need an artificial scent! My husband started the tradition of diffusing various evergreen oils to fill our house with the scent of trees (without the allergic reaction he sometimes has to actual trees.) Tip from Santa: add in a drop of peppermint or cinnamon bark oils and the elves will be knocking at your door!

Make your artificial tree smell like the real thing

And now, for the holiday hostesses ideas! You are going to FLIP when you see these clever ideas for using your oils this holiday season. Take a peek and tell me that those ideas don’t pay for the kit several times over!

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The gateway to all these amazing oils and products is the Premium Starter Kit. I got mine back in 2014 and it’s changed my life! Christmas has come early with the special deal I’m offering, don’t forget to email the code LEMONADE after you sign up so I can get your freebies to you. 🙂

Give the gift of wellness- essential oils

Be sure to visit the blogs of the other essential oil obsessed DIY hostesses of this blog hop:


PS- We’re having a MEGA gigantic holiday event on Facebook next month, it’s open to the public and you can attend in your jammies! Come join us by RSVPing right here!

Handmade Holiday with Young Living

Thanks for joining in, I can’t wait to see what you make for the holidays with your oils!

Handmade Holidays


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