Happy Dots Reusable Napkins (Kids Craft Idea)

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Remember how I let my kids go crazy with the paint when I made those stamped tea towels last week?

Reusable Cloth Napkins (Kids Craft Idea)

While I’m sure that particular tea towel would have looked lovely in my new kitchen, I had another idea in mind– I turned it into two reusable cloth napkins instead.

Reusable Cloth Napkins (Kids Craft Idea)

If you aren’t afraid of a little paint, this will be a kids activity you all can enjoy with a totally usable end product.  Crafts that can actually be used rank pretty highly on my scale of ‘good things’.  Yes, you’ll need to help with the last step but this project can be done with kids as young as two years old.

Reusable Cloth Napkins (Kids Craft Idea)

Did I mention this was a usable kids activity?  {wink}

Reusable Cloth Napkins (Kids Craft Idea)

Oh, and as long as you have paint and spouncers on hand, it’ll only cost .50 per napkin (if you use the rest of the 5 pack of flour sack towels for other things, or even other napkins).  And we happen to have a lot of paint around here.

Inexpensive.  Usable.  FUN.  Let’s make some happy dots!

Happy Dots Reusable Cloth Napkins

flour sack towels (the ones I used are from Walmart)
fabric paint or fabric paint medium mixed with regular craft paint
pins, needle and thread or sewing machine


1.  Prepare the materials.  Place fabric paint (or craft paint mixed with fabric paint medium, as shown in this fabric stencil tutorial) onto plastic or durable disposable plates.  Cover the table you will be working on with newspaper.

2.  Load up your spouncers by dabbing a few times into the paint.  You actually don’t want too much paint, otherwise it will bleed through and feel stiff once dry.  But try telling that to a toddler, ha!

spouncers, the craft tool with the best name ever
Reusable Cloth Napkins (Kids Craft Idea)

3.  Dab away!  Young kids will probably stamp in one particular section, so encourage them to travel around the towel and get the whole thing covered in dots.  Repeat with various colors.

4.  Let dry.  Follow the paint medium’s specific directions for heat setting the paint.  Once dry, cut down the middle to create two napkins.

5.  Fold in the hem on the unfinished side, and hold it in place with pins.  Run that baby through the sewing machine (or hand stitch) to finish the edge.  Repeat with the other napkin.

Reusable Cloth Napkins (Kids Craft Idea)

6.  Done!  You are ready for picnics and messy mealtimes.  Feel free to add a name and date with fabric pen if you wish.

Reusable Cloth Napkins (Kids Craft Idea)

Who says toddlers and paint don’t mix?  {me.  I said that.  but only in private, shhhhh.}

Give them a spouncer, and you’ll get results!

Reusable Cloth Napkins (Kids Craft Idea)
Happy dots, indeed.  Bee finally doesn’t hate using a napkin!
Do know any kiddos who’d love to go crazy with some spouncers?  And HOW FUN is it to say that word?!
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