How to Find Time to Declutter: Time-Saving Decluttering Tips for Busy Lives


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Life’s a whirlwind, and finding time to declutter can feel like you’re running a marathon of chores – the finish line seems distant, and the race never truly ends. However, your home should be a place to relax and enjoy life, not a source of stress. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up the best, time-tested tips for efficient decluttering that fits seamlessly into your fast-paced life and schedule… even if you feel like you truly have no time to declutter.) Plus, we reveal how decluttering can actually GIVE you your time back ten-fold!

modern farmhouse style kitchen

Why bother decluttering, you ask?

Well, picture this: a home where you can find what you need in an instant, a workspace that fuels your productivity, and a living space that feels like a calming retreat. Now, let’s make that vision a reality without adding more chaos to your already packed agenda.

We’re not here to overwhelm you with elaborate schemes or impractical dreams of a minimalist utopia. Instead, we’re bringing you down-to-earth, time-saving decluttering tips tailor-made for time-strapped individuals like you.

to-do list with plant and espresso

Finding moments for decluttering in the chaos of life? Absolutely.

From turning mundane chores into decluttering opportunities to incorporating small yet impactful changes, we’re unlocking the secrets to making your space a serene escape – effortlessly.

Because, let’s face it – you deserve a home that reflects your best self, even if time feels like a luxury.

clean desktop with laptop and plant

Step #1: Prioritizing Areas to Declutter

In the hustle and bustle of our busy lives, finding time to declutter might seem like an impossible feat. However, the secret lies in strategic prioritization. Put areas that will GIVE YOU YOUR TIME BACK at the top of your list.

Then, as you declutter those areas it’s like a snowball rolling down a hill– you gain momentum and more free time in your schedule. You’re actually creating free time, it’s pretty magical!

alarm clock with plant on table

Identifying High-Traffic Spaces for Immediate Impact:

It’s crucial to pinpoint the spaces that play a starring role in your daily routine. These high-traffic zones are the epicenters of clutter – the kitchen where culinary chaos reigns, the workspace drowning in papers, or the entryway hosting a daily key-losing spectacle. These are the areas where a little decluttering can yield immediate impact, making your busy life a tad more manageable.

Here’s a list of high-impact areas to focus on when you want to create efficiency and productivity (which eventually leads to more free time… see how that works?!)

High-Impact Areas to Declutter:

  • Meal Prep: make sure everything you need for making meals is close at hand and easy to find, and get rid of duplicates or broken items. Your goal is to find everything you need immediately, so meal prep goes smoothly (and, dare I say, enjoyably?)
  • Entryway: have a ‘leaving home’ and ‘coming home’ system to make getting out the door a cinch, such as a boot tray by the door for shoes; hooks for keys, hand bags, and backpacks; and only the outerwear you need for that season right at hand
  • Laundry Room: declutter the space and set up an area for sorting laundry, fighting stains, and keeping your most-used laundry supplies close by. Check out these laundry room organizing tips to streamline your space.
  • Home Office: declutter your desk and make sure no paper goes unnoticed. Set up a system for incoming mail, paying bills, and storing office supplies. A highly rated paper shredder next to your chair is a must for efficient (and secure) paper decluttering.
  • Morning & Evening Routine: Write out the steps in your daily routines, and automate them as much as possible. For example, put your medications and supplements in a pill sorter every week, declutter your personal care supplies so you have what you need at your fingertips, and declutter your closet so you always have clothing that makes you look and feel your best.
beautiful light-filled kitchen with spray bottle that says 'so fresh and so clean clean'

Tips for Identifying and Focusing on The Next Priority Areas:

Now, scan your surroundings and identify the areas that cause a twinge of stress. Perhaps it’s the dining table doubling as a paperwork graveyard or the bathroom vanity playing hide-and-seek with your beauty essentials. These are your priority zones – the game-changers when it comes to finding time for decluttering.

By identifying your priorities, you can allocate your time and energy accordingly, ensuring that even in the midst of a bustling schedule, you carve out moments for decluttering.

clean and organized kitchen with plant

Step #2: Creating Quick Wins with Strategic Decluttering:

Now, armed with your priority areas, break down the decluttering process into bite-sized tasks. Whether it’s conquering a cluttered drawer, organizing a shelf, or reclaiming a single surface, these small victories add up. They not only make the decluttering process more manageable but also fit seamlessly into the pockets of time you discover amidst your busy day.

The best part about quick wins?

They motivate you to keep moving forward! That quick hit of dopamine does the heavy lifting once you see how clean, clear, and easy your space is now that it’s clutter free.

Check out our seasonal decluttering checklists that create time for you 4 times a year because they focus on specific, high-touch categories and free up tons of space each season:

woman organizing stack of pillows and linens

Step #3: Decluttering Beyond Physical Spaces

Remember, the essence of decluttering extends beyond physical spaces; it’s about creating mental breathing room. Consider the mental spaces contributing to your daily chaos – be it an overcrowded schedule, overwhelming commitments, or digital clutter. Prioritize these mental spaces too, recognizing that decluttering your mind is just as crucial for finding balance.

More Time-Saving Decluttering Tips

Sometimes, you have a few extra minutes and need a quick win. Here’s our tip decluttering tips that you can squeeze into even the busiest of schedules!

  1. Micro-Decluttering Sessions:
    • Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and focus on decluttering a specific area during that time. It’s amazing what you can achieve in short, focused bursts.
  2. Declutter Your Digital Space:
    • Take a few minutes to delete unnecessary files, emails, or apps from your phone or computer. A clutter-free digital space can contribute to mental clarity.
  3. One-In, One-Out Rule:
    • For every new item you bring into your home or workspace, make it a habit to remove one existing item. This helps maintain balance without requiring extensive decluttering sessions.
  4. Tackle High-Traffic Areas First:
    • Prioritize decluttering the areas you use most frequently, like your kitchen counter or workspace. These quick wins can have an immediate impact on your daily life.
  5. Utilize Waiting Time:
    • If you find yourself waiting for a meeting or appointment, use that time to declutter your bag or purse. It’s a small task that can make a big difference.
  6. Break Down Larger Projects:
    • Instead of tackling an entire room, focus on smaller tasks like decluttering a single drawer or organizing a shelf. This approach makes decluttering more manageable.
  7. Create a Decluttering Calendar:
    • Allocate specific time slots in your calendar for decluttering tasks. Treating it like any other appointment increases the likelihood of finding time for it.
  8. Declutter Before Purchasing:
    • Before making a new purchase, evaluate whether you truly need the item. This practice not only prevents future clutter but also saves you time in the decision-making process.
  9. Utilize Breaks at Work:
    • During your lunch break or short breaks at work, tackle a quick decluttering task. It could be organizing your desk or going through a stack of papers.
  10. Incorporate Decluttering into Daily Chores:
    • As you go about your daily chores, look for opportunities to declutter. For example, while waiting for water to boil, tidy up a kitchen drawer.
  11. Set a Weekly Decluttering Goal:
    • Dedicate a specific day of the week to decluttering. It could be as simple as decluttering one area each week, gradually making a significant impact.
  12. Involve the Family:
    • Turn decluttering into a family activity. Set a timer for a short session, and everyone can work together to declutter a shared space.
  13. Embrace the 10-Item Rule:
    • Before leaving a room, challenge yourself to find and put away 10 items that are out of place. It’s a quick and effective way to maintain order.
  14. Make Use of Unused Time Slots:
    • If you find yourself with a few minutes before heading to bed or after waking up, use that time to tidy up your bedroom or living room.
  15. Nightly Clean-Up Routine:
    • Develop a quick nightly routine where you spend just 5-10 minutes tidying up common areas. This prevents clutter from accumulating and makes mornings more pleasant.
calm living room with coffee, books and a plant

The key to keeping your home under control without a lot of stress and time is consistency. By incorporating these practical and specific tips into your routine, you can declutter effectively even with a busy schedule.

With strategic prioritization, you can transform your high-traffic spaces into pockets of order and peace, even within the constraints of your busy schedule. Give it a try, and watch your home transform!

Pin These Timesaving Decluttering Ideas:

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