The Ultimate Sunday Routine Reset for a Calm & Productive Week

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A Sunday routine & weekly reset can help you maximize productivity and reduce stress. Prep for the week with these simple yet powerful tips, and take charge of the week ahead.

Looking for more ideas to make your week easier? Check out these timesaving must-haves for busy moms!

ideas for a Sunday routine with a cup of coffee and blanket

Does Sunday give you the “Sunday Scaries”? You know, that creeping feeling of dread that tomorrow’s Monday, and you’re not quite ready for the week to start? What if I told you there’s a way to flip the script on Sundays and make them the most productive and peaceful day of your week with a few simple Sunday activities?

Enter the Sunday reset—a game changer for your weekly routine. Adding a little prep work into your weekend routine will make your life easier by preparing you mentally and physically for the week ahead. In fact, a good routine is your secret weapon in creating more free time, space and margin in your busy life.

A blend of productivity, organization, and self-care means you still feel those weekend vibes without the overwhelm. A solid Sunday routine is more than just checking off a to-do list; it’s about creating space for calm, clarity, and space to breathe as you step into a new week.

It’s a way to recharge, reset, and take charge of the week ahead!

coffee and book on bed

Why You Should Have a Sunday Routine

Having a Sunday routine gives your week a strong foundation. Just like a well-prepped meal makes dinnertime smoother, a well-prepped Sunday makes the entire week more manageable. 

So, what’s the big deal about having a Sunday prep session? Things to do on Sunday aren’t just about ticking off chores; they help you set a solid foundation for the entire week. Here’s why a Sunday routine is a must:

  1. Reduces stress and anxiety: Instead of feeling overwhelmed about all that’s to come, you can tackle your week with a sense of calm. A Sunday routine allows you to take stock of what’s ahead, organize your thoughts, and reduce the anxiety of the unknown.
  2. Helps you feel more organized: Ever feel like you’re constantly behind, trying to catch up on tasks that should have been done days ago? A Sunday routine helps you get ahead of the game by organizing your meals, your schedule, and even your home, so Monday morning feels smoother and more controlled.
  3. Creates intentional space for rest and reflection: Sundays shouldn’t be all hustle. They should also be a time to reflect on the past week and set intentions for the next. A Sunday routine isn’t just about doing; it’s about being mindful and finding moments of calm amidst the prep.
  4. Improves productivity for the entire week: With your meals planned, your home tidied, and your to-dos organized, you’ll find yourself more productive throughout the week. You’ve taken the guesswork out of daily tasks, giving you more mental bandwidth for other important projects.
  5. Allows for personal growth: Establishing a habit of weekly reflection helps you assess what went well and what you’d like to improve. It gives you a chance to set personal goals or intentions for the week ahead, fostering continuous self-improvement.
coffee and book with the text "how to start a Sunday Routine for a less stressful week"

How to Establish a Sunday Routine That Works With Your Schedule

The key to establishing a Sunday routine is to make it personal, sustainable, and enjoyable. Once it becomes one of your weekly habits, it goes on autopilot mode!

Follow these steps to get started:

1. Identify your non-negotiables

Everyone’s life is different, so the first step is identifying the tasks that are essential to your week. Do you have a busy family schedule? Consider adding a family meeting or meal prep session to your routine. If health is a priority, make time for restocking supplements or setting up your workout schedule.

Think of your non-negotiables as the anchors of your routine—the must-do tasks that will set you up for a smoother week. We’ll dive into specific tasks later, but your list might include things like reviewing your meal plan, prepping lunches, tidying your space, and reflecting on the past week.

2. Block out dedicated time

Once you know what tasks are essential, it’s time to carve out space in your Sunday for them. Whether it’s an hour in the morning, an afternoon block, or even splitting the tasks throughout the day, make sure your Sunday routine has a dedicated window of time.

If Sundays are busy with family activities, aim for pockets of time where you can chip away at your list.

3. Start small and build up

Creating a Sunday routine shouldn’t feel overwhelming. Start with a few small tasks and gradually add more as the routine becomes a habit. Maybe begin with a quick tidy-up and a review of your weekly schedule, and over time, add meal prep, reflections, and other tasks that help you feel more organized and prepared.

Tip: Build your routine using one of our planning printables. They make it easy to plan, tweak, and solidify habits as you build your ideal routine.

4. Incorporate self-care

Your Sunday routine shouldn’t be all work and no play. Include activities that bring you joy or relaxation. Whether that’s reading a book, doing some light stretching, or enjoying a quiet cup of tea, find ways to weave moments of self-care into your Sunday. This balance will help you feel refreshed rather than overwhelmed.

5. Stick to it

Like any new habit, it takes time to establish a Sunday routine. Aim for consistency, even if you can’t do every task every week. Over time, your routine will become second nature, and you’ll wonder how you ever survived without it.

free printable meal planner

What’s the best time for your Sunday Routine?

Any time on Sunday will work, but for me, I use it as a ‘wind down’ on Sunday nights. I start it right after dinner, and it only takes about an hour. Then, I can do the rest of our bedtime routine in a tidy, clean and organized home… and feel relaxed and ready for the week ahead.

Or, you could try a Sunday morning routine. You can add in time for reflection, meditation and prayer before tackling more mundane tasks. Start it off with a morning walk and enjoy the intentionality of your new routine.

(Heck, if you want to do your Sunday routine on a Saturday night, go for it! Not everyone’s work and life schedules follow a traditional Monday- Friday pattern.)

alarm clock on nightstand

What to Include in Your Sunday Routine

There’s no such thing as a ‘perfect Sunday routine’; it’s not one size fits all. Do what makes you ready for next week, whether it’s a few small tasks, checking of items in your bullet journal, or scanning your planner to get ready for the week ahead.

checklist of things to do on a Sunday

While everyone’s list will vary based on individual needs, here are some core tasks that will set you up for a productive and organized week.

labeled pantry baskets

1. Restock essentials

A simple but often overlooked task is restocking essential items. Start by checking your bathrooms to ensure you have enough toilet paper, hand soap, and other necessities. Restocking these items on Sunday means you won’t be caught off guard midweek.

plastic drawers with organized labels

Tip: Set up a weekly shopping list and order groceries or provisions online to streamline this task and make it happen on autopilot.

Listen, being on top of restocking the toilet paper in the bathroom each Sunday and reordering way ahead of time served me well in spring of 2020!

toilet paper holder in bathroom

2. Review your meal plan, calendar and weekly schedule

One of the most important steps to starting the week off on the right foot is reviewing your calendar with your weekly schedule and out planning meals.

Personally, I do this part on Friday afternoon– but if you haven’t done so previously, Sunday is another good time for it.

Take a few minutes to confirm what recipes you’ll be making, add groceries to your grocery list, and what your family’s activities are for the week. This helps you avoid last-minute scrambling for dinner or missing an important event.

After reflecting on the past week, set an intention for the upcoming week. Maybe it’s to stay more present during family time, to be more mindful at work, or simply to be kinder to yourself. Setting a weekly intention helps you stay focused on your goals and keeps you grounded throughout the week.

3. Refill your pill or supplement dispenser

If you take daily medications or supplements, refilling your pill dispenser on Sunday ensures you’re prepared for the entire week. This quick task removes the hassle of refilling it each day and helps you stay consistent with your health routine.

filling pill dispensers weekly

4. Quick tidy-up

A clean space leads to a clear mind. Set aside 15-20 minutes to do a quick tidy-up of high-traffic areas like your kitchen, living room, and entryway. Here’s a few tasks perfect for a Sunday tidy up:

  • put away clutter
  • wipe down surfaces such as counters and tables
  • charge laptops

This doesn’t have to be a deep clean, just enough to create a calm environment for Monday morning.

modern farmhouse white kitchen

5. Fridge and Snack Prep

I tend to do my meal planning on Fridays and grocery shopping on the weekend, but many people enjoy doing their shopping on a Sunday. If that’s the case, it’s a good time to clean out the fridge before you go shopping.

Then, when you come home, you can organize your fridge and prep snacks and meals for the week. Even if it’s prepping ingredients for upcoming recipes or making snacks easy to grab after school, taking a minute to organize your pantry and fridge saves both time and space during the upcoming week.

meal prepping smoothies

6. Laundry

If you keep a regular laundry schedule, Sunday might be your day off. Or, if you’re like me, it’s a day where I finish folding and distribute the clean laundry for my family to put away. Perhaps you want to always start the week with clean sheets on the beds. Whatever your goal, have a plan for laundry so you stay on top of it all week long.

small laundry room renovation with shelves

7. Self-care moment

Remember, Sundays are also for you. After all the productivity, don’t forget to include something that brings you joy. It can be as simple as a face mask, taking a walk in nature, or curling up with a good book. You deserve some downtime, and a moment of peace before the week begins.

beagle on couch

By establishing a Sunday routine that blends productivity with rest and reflection, you’ll set yourself up for a smoother, more organized week. Remember, the key is consistency, so keep it simple and sustainable at first. Before long, your Sunday routine will feel like second nature, and the Sunday Scaries will be a thing of the past!

Feel ready to start your own Sunday routine? Let’s do this!

Love these ideas for a Sunday Routine Reset? Pin it!

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